Monday, November 16, 2009


I am horribly behind on blogging with many posts left incomplete. I seem to either live on my computer "working" or at my craft table "working". It seems as if nothing is ever complete and I am falling way behind on all that I need to do. In the midst of the holidays creeping closer and closer every day I find that if I don't take a moment each day to find the joy and happiness in my life it too may slip right by.

Every day I take at least a few minutes to "blog hop" and am continually inspired by what I find. I am grateful for those who inspire me (most of whom I have never even met). The most important thing I have found lately are posts on gratitude. I found this link which is fabulous and thought I would share. Before the Christmas season starts to consume us let's all take some time each day to remember all that we are thankful for.


Lorri said...

Great video. Thanks for sharing it!

Aunt Spicy said...

What a great post! Thanks for the reminder!

Mom said...

Brenda's mom here...Thanks Kristen. I needed that. I am always encouraged when I think of all that I have to be grateful for in my life daily. Happy Thanksgiving! And thanks again. Nancy

mbunker said...

Thanks for sharing.... keep on thinking about you. Hope you are doing good. Sounds like your busy with the hair clips!

Anonymous said...

OK!!!! I am so glad that you commented on my blog - now I can stalk you!!! What a darling family you have! And what a cute picture at the top of your blog - I am salivating over the heart chocolate chip dessert.....have a great night! Thanks again for the well-wishes...I will let you know how it goes! Let me know how rpm goes on Tuesday....I know you will still keep going! xoxo

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Anonymous said...

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