Wednesday, September 10, 2008

All I Want For Christmas...

Is my two front teeth...After months (literally) of wiggling her two front teeth we finally got them out. Saturday night one was hanging on by a thread that I was afraid to let her go to sleep since I didn't want it to come out and she swallow it. Sunday the other one was so loose that we kept calling her the snaggle toothed witch. By that night we got her to get it out and both her new ones were even starting to peek out. It made me sad though because it seems once they lose those teeth they are no longer your little babies. She has always looked like my little girl and now you don't know how they will grow in. But even if she needs braces she'll never go back to that little girl look ever again. (One more thing to make me feel old I guess!)

1 comment:

Becca said...

Too cute! Now you get to enter the stage of the "big" teeth...they crack me up! Every kid gets them, but they make me smile! Macey's are that way right now, and every time she smiles, it makes us laugh! She is almost growing into her teeth now though, and that is what makes me sad! When they start looking like they need those "big" teeth!